Where do we go from here?

There’s a real possibility that I, and maybe we, will go home from here.

There’s the literal sense, I return home, I return to what I know, to doing what I always do, because it’s not so bad in  my world.  There’s rest and recuperation to be found at home, sometimes.   And safety, if we’re lucky.

And there’s a more metaphorical sense, I return to an intellectual home, with familiar processes and practices that have fuelled my personal and professional achievements thus far.

But co-production isn’t central to that professional world.

So how do I decide to go somewhere else other than “home”?  Or, how do I bring what I’ve learnt about co-production into my “home”?

If I decide to go somewhere else, then there have got to be “pull” factors, something that makes the new place more appealing than the home I know, because there aren’t many “push” factors that mean home’s not a comfortable place to be and making me want to move on.  What is it about co-production that makes my research and practice better?  Well, the people I work with would be interesting, and often fun, certainly different!  And maybe the impact of what I do would be increased because others and other perspectives were involved in it.  But also, my personal contribution might not be as delineated and clear, so how would I get the recognition that I’ve contributed?  Moving to co-production might also make the place where I work brighter, more interesting, more stimulating.  Will I still feel at home there?  Will it be a safe place?

Dr Alice Owen

Programme Leader – MSc Sustainability (Environmental Consultancy & Project Management)

Lecturer in Business,  Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement

Sustainability Research Institute

School of Earth and Environment

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT


15 July 2015

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